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A group of young students from different points of the South of Spain have traveled to Kenya to participate in the restoration of an old school. The aim is to renew all the installations that present damage and imperfections to give the local community a safe and quality space to study and receive education.

The work will be done during the following weeks at Chasimba village, a place close to the region of Mombassa. The work camp is designed under the framework of the Kolongoni Project, which is supported by Cooperación Internacional, the organization that belongs to the IYC network and hosts the volunteers moved there.

Among the main tasks that volunteers will perform during their stay at the village, are highlighted the fix of damage in the rooms, the improvement of the furniture and scholarly materials, the enhancement of the doors, blackboards and roofs, and the painting of the walls.

Besides these actions, they will update and upgrade the digital resources of the school, as the University of Jaen has donated equipment that includes computers, electronic devices, audio and video projectors, and IT tools that will mean a great improvement of the means that the entity counts on.



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