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This summer a group of young volunteers from several cities of Spain have been in Kenia participating in a work camp to support the local community. The initiative occurred in Muranga County, a region south of the country. 30 persons joined these activities organized by IYC Spain (Cooperación Internacional) in collaboration with CM Moncloa, a youth association.

The cornerstone of the project was to enhance the locals, to provide them with resources and tools that could make an impact on their lives and lead them to a better way of working and living. Therefore all the efforts made by the volunteers aimed at improving the infrastructures that were well-used often by workers, students, priests, etc.

Thus, the work was split into different parts, to address the matters targeted. Part of the team focused their activity on rehabilitating the interior of a church, which presented some damage and lack of good conditions. The others drove their tasks to help the children with their studies and homework, assisting them from Monday to Friday with the subjects and topics viewed in the classes. This meant meaningful aid, which served also to strengthen the links between volunteers and beneficiaries.

Those bonds were even more tied thanks to the extra scholarly activities done afterward every day once the kids had done their tasks.  In the afternoons they played different games at the playground space, which was also remade by the young volunteers. They make those times amusing, providing the kids with entertainment, interest in sports, and a sense of community and friendship.

Therefore the project achieved a wide approach that included several fields and subjects, making this experience a unique one, that had marked the participants, who will never forget all the outcomes and learnings from it. Quique Calomarde, the leader and mentor of the team highlighted the grade of involvement and commitment of the group and young guys. “It has been a powerful demonstration of solidarity, charity, and sacrifice. They have given all they could offer, leaving a mark on each of the kids living in the village. I cannot feel prouder of them”.


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